When seeking a physiotherapist, you may have researched on all the options available to you in your area and all around Vancouver. It’s true, there are a thousand and one physiotherapists in the city, but the ideal one for you may be more challenging to find.

Do you feel heard in your sessions?

Criteria for settling on your ideal physiotherapist may include (but are not limited to) location, years of experience, types of treatment offered, amount of continuing education they’ve completed since graduation, activities they’re involved in, and whether they come highly recommended from a trusted source. Though these are all extremely important attributes, the one that is most forgotten, yet the most substantial, is how your therapist makes you feel before, during, and after your session! Let me emphasize this. Seek out a physiotherapist you connect with, and feel heard and safe with. The physical body is not separate from the emotional and mental parts of you and changes in one will affect and feed back into the other two.

You do not have to live with the pain you're experiencing for the rest of your life.

When we hear, “This is my new normal now. I’ll have to live with this pain for the rest of my life,” makes us cringe. It’s like nails on a chalkboard every time someone makes this statement. Absolutely not! We’re here to find the root cause of your pain and dysfunction so you don’t, let me repeat that, DO NOT have to live with your pain and symptoms for the rest of your life.

So, why Therapy X ?  Read on.

We take our cars in for service regularly, so why wouldn't we take our bodies to get regular maintenance as well?

At Therapy X, we value patient-centered care and education above all else. Our goal is to work together with our clients as a team to create a custom treatment plan aiming for independence. We’re not interested in seeing you every week for the rest of your life - you got things to do and people to see! On the other hand, we have a large portion of our clients who come regularly for minor tune ups before an injury happens. We take our cars in for service regularly, so why wouldn’t we take our bodies to get regular maintenance as well? We’re strong advocates for prehab and priming the body to be operating at its optimal level so you’ll have less risks of getting injured.

Active listening is key to a successful treatment program.

Have you ever felt like a practitioner was just going down a list of pre determined questions without actually truly listening and just asking for the sake of jotting it down in their chart? Active listening is key to a successful treatment program. Every question we ask is purposeful and built upon the information you’ve just shared with us. We work with a multitude of other practitioners who we trust and will refer you to if we believe another form of treatment would be of more benefit to your condition.

Featured in The Best Vancouver

The people have spoken! We are very excited to be featured in an article by The Best Vancouver as one of the best multidisciplinary clinics in Vancouver!

We want to be a part of your journey.

Everyday we’re humbled and so thankful for each person that walk through our doors who trust us with their health. We get to be a part of their journey back to living a pain-free life and at the end of the day, this is why we became healthcare practitioners. Wondering what an assessment at Therapy X will be like? Click here to learn more.

Let us be a part of your journey too. Book an appointment with one of our experienced therapists at our Vancouver location. We look forward to meeting you!

With care,

Therapy X Collective