So you got into a car accident or some type of motor vehicle accident and are experiencing pain now. Early intervention is KEY for a faster recovery. Most people typically don’t experience much pain for the first 5-7 days after the accident. However, after the one week mark, symptoms of whiplash kick in with a vengeance and the body stiffens up. Pain takes over and affects all parts of your life.

Unsure of what to do next or who to turn to?

Is a doctor’s note needed to come in for treatment?

Who pays for the treatment?

How many treatment sessions are you covered for?

What do you need to get this process started?

All of these questions and more will be answered in this blog. Read on.

I got into a Motor Vehicle Accident. What do I do Now?

After your accident, ICBC will provide you with a Claim number. All we need is this claim number in order to begin treatment. A doctor’s note is not needed in order to come in for an assessment and treatments. After your accident, no matter who is responsible or at fault, ICBC automatically approves a number of treatment sessions with multiple different professional services to be used within the first 12 weeks from the date of your accident.

Leave the billing and advocating to us at Therapy X. The only thing we want you to focus on is your recovery.

Direct Billing

At Therapy X, we accept new and existing ICBC claims. We offer direct billing so our clients don’t have to deal with submitting the claim themselves. We get it, there's already enough to worry about after your accident. We want to make this experience for you as easy as possible.

How many treatment sessions are covered?

The first 12 weeks after your motor vehicle accident, you are approved for 25 Physiotherapy, 25 Chiropractic, 12 Registered Massage Therapy (RMT), and 12 Kinesiology sessions. Click here to see other professional services ICBC covers during this time.

You are not stuck with the same care provider just because you started with them

Changing Care Providers

If you're already seeking care from a healthcare provider and are wondering if you are able to switch providers, the answer is, YES! We work to create a seamless experience when clients come to us with an existing claim. Again, all we need is your claim number, and our team will take care of the rest. We truly believe the only thing our clients need to focus on is their recovery. Leave the paperwork, advocation, and communication with your claims specialist to us.

Don’t see a Service listed at Therapy X that you are looking for?

Contact us! We have a list of professionals we consistently work together with as a team to create the best outcomes for our clients. We care deeply about our clients, so we would only refer you to the experts we trust in Vancouver! At Therapy X, we believe in collaboration and strong communication with the rest of your healthcare team, so the only thing you have to focus on is your recovery.

It's not game over past your 12 week mark

It’s been over 12 weeks since my accident, am I still eligible for treatment?

It depends. Contact us with your claim number and we can reach out to your claim specialist to advocate for your case. We will likely need to get you in for an assessment to get a baseline in order to recommend the appropriate type of treatment and appropriate number of sessions needed for your case before requesting for an extension from your claim specialist.

Let’s get your treatments started so you can get back to doing what you love to do, pain-free. Come in for an assessment and treatment with one of our expert physiotherapists at our Vancouver location. We look forward to meeting you!

With care,

Therapy X Collective