Many mistaken acupuncture and intramuscular stimulation, aka IMS, to be one and the same. They are not the same!! Today, we will go over the similarities of IMS and acupuncture, the differences, and the types of conditions each are used for. Being able to understand these differences will facilitate your decision on what type of treatment is right for you.

IMS vs. Acupuncture in Vancouver

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture aims to improve the flow of Qi in order to improve overall health.

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years as a form of alternative treatment originating in Asian medical practices. It’s believed the human body has more than 2000 acupuncture points connected by pathways called meridians. These meridians create an energy flow (aka Qi) through the body responsible for a person’s overall health. When this energy/chi is disrupted, this can cause disease. By performing acupuncture to certain points, this will improve the flow of Qi, resulting in improving health. Have more questions or curious whether acupuncture is the right form of treatment for you? Book an appointment with our physiotherapist, Wilson Chan who frequently implements acupuncture as part of his treatments.

What is IMS?

IMS is a form of dry needling.

Intramuscular Stimulation, also known as IMS, is a form of dry needling. It’s a technique used by physiotherapists to treat dysfunctions in the body. The needle used is a very fine, solid filament (same as an acupuncture needle) and there is no injection of any substance during the treatment - hence, “dry needling.” The needle is inserted into a trigger point where a muscle twitch is elicited followed by an immediate relaxation of that muscle. Additionally, this needle creates a small injury to the muscle bringing an increased blood flow to the local area to ultimately promote self healing. For more information, click here to read our blog dedicated to all things you need to know about IMS.

Similarities of IMS and Acupuncture

IMS and Acupuncture use the same type of needle.

If you were to see a photo of acupuncture or IMS, it would be difficult to tell the difference between the two. This is because both forms of treatment use the same type of needle, but this is where the similarities end... Read on.

Differences between IMS and Acupuncture

IMS and Acupuncture differ in theory, evaluation, and application.

IMS and acupuncture treatments are different in theory, evaluation and application. In acupuncture, the needles are inserted along meridians (pathways) in the body to restore life’s energy flow (Qi) and is based on Chinese Medicine. This is believed to help restore balance, decrease pain, and promote healing. These points of insertion are pre-mapped, standard insertion points and are used to target different organs and systems of the body. IMS uses the examination of the neuromuscular system and is based on western medical science. The needles are inserted directly into hyperirritable spots (trigger points or knots in the muscles) to decrease muscle tension and release pressure off irritated nerves. IMS treats the source of the pain and restores movement and function.

Conditions treated by IMS and Acupuncture

Conditions treated by IMS and Acupuncture

If you have more questions on whether IMS or acupuncture is right for you, book an assessment at our Vancouver location with one of our therapists. We look forward to seeing you in the clinic!

With care,

Therapy X Collective